Just Plane Crazy

It’s my opinion that the people who get the most out of fishing are the ones who love being outside in nature and on the water so much, that pursuing and catching fish is just a bonus. It’s also my assertion that for some reason, they usually catch the most fish. It’s as if the … Continue reading “Just Plane Crazy”

A Wall of Shark

Fishing has been my number one passion for as long as I’ve been forming memories. It was my father’s and his father’s before him. Aside from fishing, I’ve had a love for all water sports and boating since we got our first family boat when I was 8. Skiing, knee boarding, skin diving, and eventually spearfishing, … Continue reading “A Wall of Shark”

Permit Me

April-May is my favorite time of the year in the Florida Keys. One of the many reasons has to do with what I feel is the most exciting species to pursue: Permit. Members of the jack family, permit (Trachinotus falcatusare) are one of the most sought after fish on the Florida Keys flats. While bonefish … Continue reading “Permit Me”

The Art of the Rod Storage

This article was contributed by Chris Ritter. He is a Miami born and raised, Harvard educated, architect and illustrator. He has a knack for designing highly functional, aesthetically pleasing, home improvement projects. He is also one of my best friends of almost 30 years and a great guy, with one of the sharpest minds and best wit of anyone I know. … Continue reading “The Art of the Rod Storage”